台湾大学法律与哲学双修学士,美国Thunderbird国际商业管理学院EMBA。任职于平面、电视与互联网媒体以及4A广告代理公司近20年,工作地点遍及台北,纽约,伦敦,北京,香港和上海。最近的十余年来致力于国内互联网营销与CRM直效行销,曾任奥美互动广告业务总监、项目管理总监与内容策略总监,电扬伟门互动业务大中华区总经理,BBDO/Proximity总经理。2007年加入土豆网,担任销售和市场推广副总裁,并主管全国策划中心。2010年3月,正式晋升为土豆网首席营销官(Chief Sales Officer)。2010年10月,晋升为土豆网首席运营官(Chief Operating Officer)。
Joined in 2007, Evelyn Wang built Tudou’s advertising platform. She is now the Chief Operating Officer of Tudou. She is now leading sales, marketing/BD, and content strategy for the fast-growing online video company.
Prior to, Evelyn served as executive in interactive 4A agencies such as Ogilvy, BBDO/Proximity, etc. She has nearly 20 years experience in digital marketing.